Monday, June 21, 2010


Yesterday (Sunday) we went to Toledo. I was very much looking forward to seeing this city because I had a Spanish professor at WMU who is from Toledo. Toledo is one of the oldest cities in the world, very historic and its architecture resembles different religions in Spain. The very ornate and detailed fixtures are Arabic. Toledo is obviously built on top of a mountain and to get anywhere you have to walk up these San Francisco-like "cuestas" (hills). The city was absolutely worth the walking! We had tapas and soda at a small bar called La Tinta Rosa and then had marzipan for dessert. The nuns in Toledo are famous for making the marizpan that you can buy in all of the little shops. I guess they have nothing better to do?? Anyway, marzipan is really yummy. If you have facebook, you can see more of my Toledo photos there.

Today (Monday) is my first day alone with the kids. We wake up at about 10am, eat breakfast then play games inside/hang out. Natalia is upstairs studying though because she failed her English exam and has to go back to school on Wednesday, in uniform, to retake it! By 1pm we will go with the neighbors to the pool, lunch is at 3pm, and siesta until 5. I'm technically off duty after lunch, but I like hanging out with the family. We'll probably go back to the pool for a few hours, dinner at 9:30pm, watch a little tv then bedtime!

I got an email from Delta reminding me that my departure flight is in 38 days... so strange to think about how fast time flies because I'm really enjoying Spain!

Adios for now. Here's one in English for you today:

"All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted." - Santa Teresa de Avila

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