Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hermanos y Padres

I've been getting emails this week from my "Spain siblings" which is incredibly exciting and reminder that my trip is fast approaching.

Mi hermano, Rodrigo is 13 years old. He says he loves the USA (the Saldaña family travels here each year) and watches a lot of NCIS. He's very smart, and loves chemistry, history and physics in school. He describes himself as independent so I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

Mi hermana, Natalia (Nati) is 11 years old. She loves a plethora of music, shopping and hanging out with her friends. Her email address is "Nati Jonas" which she also admitted she has a HUGE JoBro obsession. Nati saw them in concert, and although she was far away it was one of the best nights of her life. Along with the JoBros, she says "I would simply die if I met Justin Bieber." Nati is full of energy and I'm excited that we share an obsession for the tv series Grey's Anatomy.

This week was the first time I have emailed with the kids. Pilar (their mother) and I have been in contact since last August getting to know one another. Her and her husband, Jesús, are both lawyers. They love reading American Classic novels such as "To Kill a Mockingbird," which inspired Pilar to become a lawyer. They spend a lot of time with their neighbors who have become part of their family. Jesús' parents live in Galicia (northwest corner of Spain) and I hear we will be spending quite a few weekends at their beach home. No complaints here!

I can't wait to be a part of their family this summer. I am also excited for the future; the Saldañas frequently visit Chicago which is so close to me in Kalamazoo, and I will hopefully get to meet up with them there too.

"Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar." - Antonio Machado