Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Viva España

So, I'm off to Spain this summer and I couldn't be happier!
It's like my heart feels whole again; I belong in Spanish speaking countries.

I have the best grandparents in the world. Thank you for giving me an amazing opportunity to grow and learn. I love you both very much.

I'm going to try out this whole blogging thing... hopefully it'll go something like I'll write about fancy Madrid stuff, and you'll enjoy reading about it! I'll probably end with a Spanish quote too.

Well, no one says it better than Bécquer:

Saeta que voladora
cruza, arrojada al azar,
sin adivinarse dónde
temblando se clavará;

hoja que del árbol seca
arrebata el vendaval,
sin que nadie acierte el surco
donde a caer volverá.